Fishing the Wild West TV august 2021 Newsletter
It has been a crazy hectic season with an extremely tight schedule. However, we are very grateful to be on the road/water again, and to date, we have eight complete episodes of Fishing the Wild West TV shot and waiting for Chuck in the editing room.
One of the many highlights was being able to travel south of the border again. We attended ICAST 2021, in Orlando, Florida, where we were able to reconnect with the American-based companies we work with. It was such a pleasure to see everyone as we usually only get to personally connect once or twice a year and with 2020 trade shows and ICAST 2020 being canceled, the buzz throughout ICAST 2021 was extremely high and everyone was making up for the lost time. As expected, ICSAT 2021 was loaded with new products from industry leaders, product and fishing seminars, but best of all, the buzz of business returning to face-to-face meetings, conversations, and handshakes was clearly what everyone in the Orange County Convention Center was missing. It was also great to finally meet a few of the people and companies we work with but haven’t had the chance to meet in person to this point.

At ICAST 2021, Aqua-Vu, the industry leader in underwater viewing solutions introduced Strike-Vu, an in-line, high-definition camera that offers a unique underwater perspective on a fish’s behavior and strikes on an angler’s presentation. Aqua-Vu also revealed their new recording system at ICAST 2021. The AV Connect HD provides an effortless connection of your HD Series Camera directly into any IOS phone or tablet for live viewing, recording, and sharing. Aqua-Vu, and the new AV Connect HD recording system will be providing all the underwater footage seen on this season’s episodes of Fishing the Wild West TV.

Fishing the Wild West TV has a relatively new working relationship with Big Bite Baits and Sunline America, so it was nice to get to spend some time at both booths and learn what’s new for 2022 with Big Bite Baits soft plastics and the Sunline family of fishing lines. These new products and more can and will be found in your local Bass Pro Shops & Cabela’s.

We just returned home from a self-guided lake trout trip north of the 60th Parallel. Nonacho Lake Fishing Adventures out of the Northwest Territories (NWT) has all the comforts of home including fully equipped cabins and on-demand hot water in the shower house, and although it was a self-guided fishing trip on the eighth largest lake in the NWT, untouched lake trout were abundant and easy to find often less than 10 minutes from camp. I was three-way rigging, (often referred to as a poor man’s way of down-rigging), a one-two punch combination between a #4 Len Thompson Lure and a 6 ½” Alaskan Lucky Plug from Lucky Bug Lures with 50lbs Sunline Siglon PEx4 braided line connecting me to 20lbs to 45lbs lake trout in 70 to 100 feet of water. I’m convinced we just shot one of the greatest catch and release lake trout episodes ever put on camera.

At this time, after being on the road/water for 18 of the last 22 days, we are taking a week off not only to spend time with family and friends, but also to get caught up on office work before we begin shooting the final 7 episodes of Fishing the Wild West TV, 3 commercials, and a wide variety of sponsor obligations.
Thank you all for your time and support!